965 Sumner Ave. Whitehall, PA 18052
PLEASE NOTE: When mapquesting our
location please use Allentown, PA 18102 as
our city NOT Whitehall, PA!!!!
***This will take you to yahoo maps***
From 22 (East or West) take 7th Street SOUTH exit (heading into Center
City Allentown)...continue straight off exit ramp (past Home Depot)...go
RIGHT onto Greenleaf Street (stoplight), proceed to 1st Stop Sign (8th
Street) go RIGHT, continue to bottom of hill to stop sign (Sumner Ave.)
go LEFT, we are 1 1/2 blocks up on the RIGHT side.
From Tilghman Street (heading EAST) make LEFT turn onto 15th Street
(stoplight), continue to next stoplight (Sumner Ave.) and make RIGHT
onto Sumner Ave., we are about 5 blocks down on the LEFT side.